Mission Statement
The Ministry Formation Program shares in the ministry of leadership and service to the people and parishes in the Diocese of St. Augustine through a comprehensive program of spiritual, human, academic and pastoral formation of lay ecclesial ministers.
Purpose of the Program:
To provide systematic opportunities for the faithful to learn about their own baptismal call to ministry.
To network with the clergy and diocesan ministry directors and assist them by providing the formation of lay ecclesial ministers trained for service within the community.
To develop and implement a systematic program of academic, spiritual, human and pastoral formation.
To provide ongoing formation and spiritual formation for those who have completed the program through the annual retreat and other opportunities.
The Ministry Formation Program provides:
A three year comprehensive program of study. The first two years focus on academic study of Scripture, Catholic Traditions, Catholic Beliefs, Morality and Liturgy and Sacraments. During the first two years, participants also attend ministerial skills workshops. The third year combines Theological Reflection and a Supervised Practicum.
Theological Reflection
provides opportunities for theological and spiritual development and to relate the participant gifts and experiences to the needs of their parish, school or diocese.
Supervised Practicum
is a hands on learning experience that takes place in a parish, school or diocesan setting. The practicum integrates the participant’s knowledge, and skills with actual ministerial situations.
Skills Workshops
assist participants with ministerial competence. Topics include: Pastoral Leadership, Human Development, Multi-Cultural Diversity, Legal Ethics/Canon Law, Personal Skills of a Minister, Spirituality/Leading Prayer, and Communications.